Thoughts to Make You Think

Get vitalized by random acts of smartness

Weekly Tip for October 25th, 2022 “Unstable Relationships”

Healthy relationships have a stable give-and-take dynamic, regardless of whether it is with a brother, mother, child, significant other, or a pet giraffe. If you find that you are always on one end of the give-and-take relationship, you have the makings of an unstable relationship. Unstable relationships tend to either stabilize or fall apart.


Weekly Tip for September 13th, 2022 “Internal compass”

Everyone is born with an internal compass. A person will act according to their compass, the problem is that this compass is NOT universal. What one person considers to be acceptable can be offensive to the next. Rather than assume your way is the “right” way, try to find out what motivates others to act […]


“It was the kind of experience which stays with you for a lifetime. I am still riding on the energy you have instilled in me since then.”

– Welsh Looky, Project Manager