Performance Catalyst

Empower organizations to inspire and rewire
their people so they can achieve
desired results.

Sunjay Nath, MBA, BScE

Performance Expert, Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Author

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Relevant + Entertaining?

Do you know that messages stick BETTER when people are in an emotional state? Anyone can get up and lecture at a whiteboard with a Powerpoint presentation and a laser pointer but if you’re not invested in the content, you won’t grasp the core value behind the lesson. Adrenaline and emotions are required to make a message stick – which leads to change.

Successful organizations can create lasting change by engaging a strength-based leadership approach to maximize their greatest resource: people.

Sunjay understands the importance in acknowledging the primitive factors of the human experience for there to be a conducive overall change: feelings break glass ceilings.

Interested in learning more about the brains behind this philosophy?


Energizing, Educational, and Entertaining!

A master presenter and storyteller, watch Sunjay in action

  • Sunjay Nath Leadership Speaker

The One Where Sunjay A.C.T.s

Watch as Sunjay entrances and befuddles audiences with A.C.T’s simple formula. A little goes a long way in connecting people. Allow him to show you how.

  • Sunjay Nath explains The 10-80-10 Principle at a high level

The One Where Sunjay Picks The Top Ten and Bottom Ten

Playing favorites is not just for parenting anymore! Learn how your top and bottom ten can steer the direction of your entire team.


Get Much Mucher With Sunjay

Speaking Topics

Gain optimal performance tactics, focusing on the strengths within an organization and its culture. To see how you can make your organization gooder and more funner.

Meeting Planners

Often referred to as the easiest speaker they have ever worked with, Sunjay will bring life and content to your next event. At your next program, learn how Sunjay will be the Sundance to your Cassidy.


If you’ve enjoyed the experience of Sunjay’s message on stage and you would like to take him home, consider purchasing one of his books. Feel free to buy two – in case you want to read it twice.


Sunjay can’t be everywhere, all time, so these videos are a good way to access his humble charisma. Afterall, the concert experience is far superior to listening to the song on the radio.


Best Seller Books

Join the 2000+ Clients Who Have Said Yes!

Lasting results – without hypnosis!

Get access to highly-rated and relevant content

Wildly entertaining and full of entertainment (but never redundant)

Low maintenance and extremely flexible – if stretching is permitted beforehand

3 out of 5 family members say he’s tolerable, although one of the three claims the stat is inflated


Unlocking Dynamic Performance

“The 10-80-10 Principle” framework distills successful business models and philosophies into a simple methodology.

It can be used to explain why Apple is a resounding success, why the financial meltdown occurred in 2008, and why we focus more on gas prices than mortgage interest rates, even though the latter has a greater impact on our lives.

The understanding and application of this principle has a guaranteed impact on the performance of any individual, team, or organization.


The 10-80-10

The Sunjay Experience Ratings

Google reviews: they’re the real deal! As much as we’d like to, we can’t control, manipulate, or dictate what people post. These are unfiltered and unbiased.

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He promises they’ll be fun, insightful, and possibly a little smart(assy).

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“Amazing presence… charismatic and impactful message.”

– Hunter MacKinnon, Queen’s University

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