All Patterns Continue Until They Don’t.

An opportunity for you to create the BEST event

Which Speak is Best For You?

Sunjay has no respect for grammar and cares very little for punctuation (but is HUGE on punctuality). He tends to “verb”ize nouns and “noun”ize verbs, and make up words as he sees fit.

But if you’re looking for a speak (program) that will engage your team, help remove the energy vampires, and get your team operating at the Top 10 level, below is a list from Sunjay’s “best of” album.

These can all be tailor made much mucher to fill your team’s bucket – or in English, customized to create maximum value for the audience. Feel free to reach out to Sunjay (call, email, social media-ize, get two styrofoam cups with a long string… or something more environmentally sound) to discuss further.

As a meeting planner, discover Sunjay for yourself here…

A Little About Sunjay

Sunjay Nath commenced his international speaking business at age 19. In person, Sunjay has addressed over 1,000,000 people around the world since 1995. In 2005, Sunjay became the youngest Canadian (and third youngest in the world) to ever earn their CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) Certification. In 2018, Sunjay was inducted in the Canadian Professional Speakers Hall of Fame. There was a party. Thankfully, Sunjay did not dance.

He’s a performance expert and published author. He also holds an MBA, a Mathematical Engineering degree, and in his (very) inner circle he’s known as the High Commander of Palindromes.

He shares insights on leadership and performance. He is well-known for his trademark “The 10-80-10 Principle.” He’s on a mission to empower organizations to inspire and rewire their people so they can achieve desired results.

In addition to speaking and to feed the entrepreneurial spirit, Sunjay has acquired and runs a boutique fleet of transport vehicles. This venture gives him first hand experience on team performance, employee engagement, and organizational culture – which he brings to his presentations.

He’s the father of three high-energy sons. In his house, the toilet seat is always up. When he’s not on stage, you can find Sunjay playing ultimate frisbee and full-contact chess.

To inspire and rewire your people, get in touch.


“Hands down the most captivating speaker I’ve ever heard”

Sunjay is one of those speakers who gets his audience to think and act differently, has them in stitches on the floor laughing and is the polar opposite of a diva – professional, relevant, ridiculously entertaining and SO easy to work with. Often meeting planners are thanked for bringing in such an impactful program… oh and ask about how he routinely finishes 10-hour audio books in 6 hours.


Promotional Photos & Headshots

To make your life easier, here are captures of his best side


AV Requirements

To help reduce the element of surprise, below is the “normal” list of AV requirements:

For in-person presentations:

  • A microphone and an audience
  • And the microphone is often negotiable
  • Most of Sunjay’s programs are him spitting nickels to engage the audience and require virtually no AV

For online presentations:

  • An audience
  • The client to host the meeting on the platform of their choice (Zoom, Teams, etc)
  • White chocolate dipped strawberries formed in a sculpture of Kermit the Frog to be couriered (preferably FedEx) and to arrive at the 17-minute mark of the program… (this is optional for days of the week ending in the letter “y”)

“I keep hearing people ‘quote’ you! (including my CEO so you made quite an impression).”

– Trudi Charest - Director of Training, Eye Recommend

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