Thoughts to Make You Think

Get vitalized by random acts of smartness

Weekly Tip For February 22nd 2023 “Listen”

When you are having a conversation with someone, truly listen to what he or she is saying. It takes away value from a conversation when all you do is wait for your conversation partner to breathe so you can jump in and make your point. Take time to really listen to people and have real […]


Weekly Tip for February 7th, 2023 “Writing things down”

Write down your goals, dreams, hopes, and desires. Something magical seems to happen when you write things down. Perhaps you become more committed to your thoughts or maybe the act of writing sends a message out into the cosmos. The more time you spend chiseling out the words of what you’re after, the more focused […]


Weekly Tip for January 31st, 2023 “Live in the present”

Try not to obsess over the past or the future. Strike a balanced understanding between where you’ve come from and where you want to go. But live in the moment. Dwelling on the past leads to regret and troublesome nostalgia. Focusing only on the future robs you of present experiences. Be aware of the past […]


“It was the kind of experience which stays with you for a lifetime. I am still riding on the energy you have instilled in me since then.”

– Welsh Looky, Project Manager